Peter Schurke

Peter Schurke, son of Wintergreen owners Susan and Paul Schurke, has been exploring since an early age.
Peter is currently the Captain of the Arctica II, a 62ft long charter sailboat in Svalbard. The ship is a Saxe 62ft steel hull Cutter - one of 16 left of its kind. It’s 5mm steel hull allows it to safely navigate the icy waters around Svalbard. During his 1-3 week excursions, it’s common to see polar bears, walrus, whales, migrating birds and other wildlife. His trip courses and lengths are determined by weather and clientele preferences. Toward the end of the summer, he’ll be circumnavigating the archipelago of Svalbard, if weather and ice allows!
Peter often photographs the wildlife he encounters on his adventures. He loves his current sailing position and looks forward to every new outing he makes!